I know this winter has seemed interminable to many people, and I am one of them! Spring Break was last week and the kids and I had plenty of fun with the beautiful weather. It was perfect! Of course, this week is rainy and now today it feels cold. Not that it actually is cold, it's just nowhere near as nice as it has been. (The picture above was taken last year by one of my daughters. Love the heart in the flower. :) )
I have been sick off and on for about a month (just different viruses, respiratory crud, etc.) and now my marathon training feels like I'm starting over. I'm getting out there, though. I have to get those miles in.
My sister-in-law was laid off. She hasn't had much luck in finding another job so far, so at the end of the month, that means I'm out of a job taking care of baby J. She just rolled over for the first time yesterday! Growing so fast, just like they always do. Depending on what my sister-in-law ends up doing, I may look for a part time job. :p Ugh. Maybe I can just do some odd jobs.

Baby J, swinging at the park last week. See the two mopey girls sitting in the swings in the background, facing this way? Those are my two oldest, thrilled to be at the playground. They're just too cool, I guess. My other two were running around and climbing everything. After they were played out, we walked around and looked at the little zoo. I had promised them ice cream when we were done, but the ice cream guys at the park had disappeared by then. So, I promised cones from Dairy Queen on the drive home. Well, Krispy Kreme was on the way, too . . . We ended up with donuts and ice cream, a rare treat. One of the kids exclaimed, "Donuts and ice cream? This is the best day EVER!"
Here's your reminder to give the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society if you can. I'm almost halfway to my goal, and I could really use your help! Every little bit helps, just like stacking those miles up. The first step is the most important, just getting out there, giving what you can. http://pages.teamintraining.org/ks/rnr09/lteter
Let me know if you have any ideas to help raise more funds. :) I'll take all the help I can get.