I know I've been a neglectful blogger. I can't promise that it's going to get any better. I just don't have a lot of patience for this dinosaur of a computer, and buying a new computer isn't very high on the list of priorities. I'm thinking about getting one of those tiny laptops, though. Maybe in the next few months.
Meanwhile, enjoy some pictures of the Christmas knitting from this year. We had a merry Christmas. Busy, as always. With a big family, that's what we expect and enjoy.
I made hats for my two nephews and my niece. As you can see the nephews (who are at the running around stage of life) wouldn't sit still for pictures, so my brother (the nephews' dad) modeled the fish hat I made for T1 (who is 3 years old) and the couch modeled the Ganomy Hat I made for T2 (who is 1 1/2.) They also shared the news that they are having a baby girl in May, so there will be a T3! :) Everyone is excited. They just bought a house and are in the process of moving in. Fun!
My oldest daughter, E, turned 14 yesterday. It's impossible! She's a good kid, though. I have hope she will grow up to be a good, strong woman. It's hard to believe she's so close to grown. We're having four of her friends over Saturday evening for pizza, popcorn and movies, so wish me strength! Heh. I said no to the sleepover. I don't know if I'm a strong enough woman for that! lol. I remember my sleepovers at that age with that many girls and it was always a drama-fest. Fewer, no problem, but not that many at once.
Catch you next time! Don't make too many New Year's resolutions, unless they mean you have more joy in your life as a result.