Monday, December 04, 2006


My five-year-old daughter A has the crud. So, she's home from school. And I have my one-year-old nephew, T. And I realized a little belatedly over the weekend that my vehicle registration was supposed to be renewed in November. Would you want to take two little kids to the tag office to wait in line? I didn't think so.

And A is being clingy. She doesn't like it when T wants to sit on my lap. Good grief.

I've been spacy lately. I don't know what my deal is. I don't feel like doing anything and then I just space the stuff I was supposed to do. Well, not all of it. Just the car registration. I do get most of it done. But I'll space off in the middle of a conversation. Ugh. I think I'm just tired and stressed. (So what else is new?)

I have been knitting. I knitted something for each of the kids for Christmas. I managed to let each of them catch me. Sheesh! So, they have their gifts early. LOL. E and M have Odessa hats in their favorite colors. Q has a stuffed Stegosaurus. A has legwarmers. Nope, no pictures. Yet.

I ordered Christmas online. The idea of going out and shopping was just too much. I got organized and spent a couple hours on the computer, and voila! Christmas will be delivered to my door. I only shop for the kids, and not a lot for them. They don't need a ton of stuff. I've been dealing with stuff all year! I don't go nuts buying things for teachers and bus drivers and mail carriers and, and, and . . . I may go to the local whole foods place and buy some cute handmade glycerin soaps and tie them up with some of these piles of knitted washcloths around here for my siblings and parents. I'll just take them all in a basket and they can choose their favorite. The whole foods market shouldn't be crazy for Christmas, should it? Maybe I could get some anti-spaciness vitamins while I'm there. lol.

Mostly, wanted to let you know I'm still out there! Life is challenging, but I'm just powering through.


Anonymous said...

We almost always do our Christmas shopping online. So much easier than fighting the crowds and then having to wander around trying to find what you want.

Queen Bee said...

Sorry about the crud, hope she's back to normal soon. Ugh on the spacies, I know what you mean, I blame it on the weather. Or the ex ;) As for the soaps & cloths, what a great idea! Now, don't let your kids unwrap any packages that come to your door!!

Anonymous said...

I did all of my shopping online - it's just too convenient to pass up. Also, you have 10 days past the last day of the month to take care of your tags! Don't worry.

Stefaneener said...

Hang in there. I firmly believe that it's mothering little kids that sucks the concentration right out of your head. That and being tired doesn't help. So of course you're taking Christmas easy -- it's the sane thing to do. Hoping for pictures soon.

Anonymous said...

You are so allowed to be spacey! My best Christmas in recent years was the one where I bought nearly everything online. You'd think I'd learn. I think your glycerin soaps and knitted cloths idea is super and I totally agree with you on the stuff.

Anonymous said...

Hugs to you! And I did all my shopping online, it came to my door today! I did go get stuffers locally, our toy store had a benefit night for AJ's school

I almost had a problem when Jordan saw the box and said "Hey that says Toys R Us" I hate a 4 year old who can read...

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the soap idea! That's fabulous! Hope A is feeling better soon!

Anonymous said...

Shopping on-line here too.

I'm sorry the crud is at your house.

I love the soap and washcloth idea! My sister did that one year. She bought some soap molds and made soap with her kids for us all. She said it was really easy. But Whole Foods would be even easier.

Yep. Motherhood has sucked those brain cells right out of my cranium.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the crud and spaciness. Definitely shop online - its so much easier!

Anonymous said...

Hugs. Hope everyone is feeling better soon. I spaced out like that before - with my car insurance. Do you know they tell the DMV if you let your policy lapse?? And you get a big fine?? Ugh.
Cool on having the shopping done!

Sara Laughs said...

I hope you're just tired and stressed and not spacey because you're getting the crud! Stay well!

I love the soap idea. If you wanted to make your own, soap can be very easy to do.