Monday, July 31, 2006

PLEASE! Nothing else kan go wrong.

Yes, I know that's not how you spell kan. The (letter between b and d) on this keyboard doesn't work. I'm using this one bekause the other one had some water spilled in it.

Wednesday morning, we get to have our air konditioners unhooked, the konrete knoked out, and our sewer pipe ekavated. Every time we flush the toilet in the kids' bathroom, there's a little bakflow into the laundry room in the basement. YUK! Yes, we're trying to sell this house. It really has nothing wrong with it. We've kept it up, put a new roof on it last year. It's a nise little house. It just knows we're trying to buy a bigger one in another skhool distrikt, and it's out to get us.

Here, look at some stithing I finished a few weeks ago. Pretty, eh? It was a freebie Quaker Sampler on a Frenh website. I stithed it with remnants of silk floss I bought in a grab bag.


Miriam Pauline said...

Your Quaker piece is amazing! ((HUGS)) on the plumbing issues. Hope they are settled soon. LOL on the c/k. Bet you never realized how many c's are used in your posts. Have a great day

. said...

LOVE LOVE that quaker piece, fabulous Lara! Pooey on that water problem,, I hope you can get it fixed soon. I loved reading your wacked spelling, that was really fun!

Queen Bee said...

That's very pretty, Lara :) Sorry about the toilet/water backup problem. I was laughing at your use of K and S to replace all those Cs!

The Cluck Wagon said...

Sorry about the house issues. But it was kinda fun reading about them the way you typed it, like figuring out a code. ;)
Fingers still crossed on the house sale quest!

Heather said...

LOL I loved that rendition of the K's... I laughed the whole time I read it ;)

I love your craft!!!

Leah said...

Laura, what an exseptionally nise piese! Kongratulations!!!